class="display-5 text-white mb-md-4">Yoga Instructor at Home


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Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before starting any nutrition, yoga asana or exercise program. If you choose to use this information without prior consent of your physician or doctor, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your decisions and agreeing to hold harmless RK BODY AND SOUL and its team, contractors, and any affiliated companies from any liability with respect to injury during exercise or illness to you or your property arising out of or connected with your use of the information contained within this program, our email newsletter or our website.

The plans and programs listed on our website or any social media are created to guide and help you achieve your fitness levels.

Consult a doctor / physician before undertaking any nutrition and training program from RK BODY AND SOUL team. RK BODY AND SOUL trainers try to put every effort to train clients in a proper way.

Our trainers use their expert knowledge earned through hours of certified courses and practical experience to design the best possible programs for you which will help you to achieve your fitness goals.

Results vary from person to person and are affected by various factors like your efforts, level of commitment, and body type. Use of our information, products, And services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not responsible for any success or failure that is directly or indirectly related to and use of our information, products, and services.

We don’t sell your email, contact number or any information.

RK BODY AND SOUL reserves the right to update or change information contained in this program, other programs, our email newsletter, social media platform and our website at any time. RK BODY AND SOUL are not responsible for information appearing at hyperlinks.

Exercise or yoga asana is not without its risks and this or any other exercise program many result in injury.

As with any exercise program, if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately and consult a medical doctor or medical professional.

You should rely on your own review, inquiry and assessment as to the accuracy of any information made available within this program or via this web site or any social media platforms.


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